What is your company’s story?
Hale Vaping is the leading distributor and seller of vaping products in Ireland.
We set up Hale Vaping in 2013 to develop, retail and distribute vaping products to help smokers who want to quit.
We sell and distribute the full range of vaping products through our partners in the supermarket and convenience retail sectors, and through our own Hale-branded retail outlets and franchisees. We’re proud of the fact that all Hale branded e-liquids are developed and manufactured here in Ireland.
What is Hale Vaping passionate about?
Our mission is to support smokers who want to quit. Vaping is the most effective quitting tool there is and has helped thousands of smokers to reduce or quit their cigarette smoking habit completely.
However, our message to anyone who is thinking about vaping is: ‘If you don’t smoke, then don’t vape.’
What are you doing to support the environment?
We are committed to the proper and safe recycling of used vaping devices. Hale Vaping is a member of the producer responsibility scheme in Ireland run by WEEE Ireland which collects and recycles waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
We contribute to meet the costs of the safe recycling of waste vaping devices. Collection points for waste vaping devices are available in all our stores and right across the retail sector through blue recycling boxes provided by WEEE Ireland.
We are working to increase awareness among consumers and to drive recovery rates to best-in-class levels.
What other issues is Hale working on?
The Irish Government will soon implement a long overdue ban on sales of vapes to under 18s. The vast majority of the vaping sector has been implementing a voluntary ban on under 18s sales for years.
At Hale Vaping, we take a ‘Challenge21’ approach. This means that any customer that looks 21 years or under is asked to show us their photo I.D. with proof of their age. We keep Refusal Logs where a sale has been previously refused because of concerns around age. We also require age verification for all online sales.
Visit the Hale Vaping website here
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